Keller Williams Complete Realty Brokerage | Adam French, Sales Representative | Direct 905.719.3978
Here's Your Free Guide To Ancaster Real Estate Prices...
It's your comprehensive guide to the Ancaster real estate market. Inside you'll get pictures and price ranges for the most common house styles available, along with features and descriptions, so when you're driving through these neighbourhoods you'll know how much the houses generally sell for...
It's like having the teacher's edition of your high school algebra book! There are locator maps of Ancaster so you can find your way around. The guide also includes important telephone numbers you'll need -- like schools, municipal offices and utilities. Plus you'll be getting information on homes that are currently for sale and a free subscription to Ancaster Market Watch Updates, which gives you access to all of new homes as they come on the market. Any questions let me know. Adam French |
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Adam French - Sale Representative
Keller Williams Complete Realty Brokerage
(905) 308-8333
[email protected]
Licensed in the Province of Ontario